Dragonfly Software

PO Box 1141

Berlin, MA 01503

978 838-2339

Some Fun Facts About Dragonflies

"Patiently Perched" Hankins Photography

"Dragonflies and damselflies are insects of the taxonomic order Odonata, so named for their formidable biting mouthparts (odon meaning tooth in Greek) and predatory nature." (1)
"Odonates are found in a great diversity of wetlands. They can be found in lakes and large rivers, small vernal ponds and shrub swamps, and in nearly every other type of wetland and water body." (1)
"The majority of an odonate's life is spent in the larval stage which lasts for several months in some species to 3 - 5 years or longer in others, while the adult stage is much shorter (a few days to a few months)." (1)
"A Field Guide to the Dragonflies and Damselflies of Massachusetts" - Blair Nikula, Jennifer L. Loose & Matthew R. Burne